The Wealth Teams Alliance is a wealth advisor. We serve families, helping them to achieve financial independence. We rely on our experience and education to analyze our client’s current situation. Once we understand, we seek to find acceptable alternatives that are more efficient and effective. Our goal is always to bring value to our clients, especially in areas where they may feel underserved. We do this through dedicated service and attention to our clients welfare and needs.


WTA aspires to be a leader in evidence based investing using the scientific method and the efficient frontier to bring academic research and proven investment methods to our portfolio allocations and client recommendations.


WTA’s mission is to manage markets, not stocks, in order to optimize the growth potential for our client portfolios. Our goal is to match market benchmarks for all our selected asset classes used in our allocations. We seek to do this by following proven research and applied evidenced based conclusions to our clients through low cost investment portfolios.


Love, Respect and Dignity for Everyone

There is no greater expression of dignity and respect than love. Our team understands that we need to reflect love to every client and their stakeholders who entrust their financial wellbeing to us.

Provide Diligence and Discipline in our Management

We know that clients hire us to manage their financial future because they trust our methods and recommendations. But they also trust that we will be stable and consistent in the application of our knowledge and research.

Responsive Service

There are few things more important to our clients than knowing their investment with us is being handled professionally and with care. Our promise is to always be responsive to our client requests and seek to provide answers to their questions and to respond quickly to their service requests.

Maintain State of the Art Technology

In this high tech world, we seek to stay abreast of the technological enhancements that will provide a better client experience.