How we work with you

Wealth Teams Alliance focuses on delivering the most up-to-date ideas and concepts that will help provide a consistent, stable income during your retirement. Our methodology has been developed over the last fifty years and continues to improve as we network and discuss our concepts with other professionals throughout the United States and Canada.

As your Wealth Teams Coach, our process is not just finding out about your risk tolerance. We want to know your long-term goals and objectives, and the obstacles you feel are impeding your progress. You are an integral part of the team. Without your input, we are just dealing in numbers. Our process helps to personally identify the answers to three fundamental questions of retirement planning:

  1. What is my desired monthly/annual income in retirement?
  2. What retirement savings do I need to produce the desired income – my NUMBER?
  3. How much do I have to save annually to reach my target NUMBER?
  4. What is my investment process with the highest probability of reaching my retirement objective?

Studies have shown less than 15% of Americans can answer these questions. Our process is designed to help you discover the answers and then coach you in accomplishing the goal.

Our primary focus is to track performance as we constantly look for improving ways to deliver a comprehensive client experience. We use Orion and Y Charts to monitor and measure portfolio results. We closely follow market events in national and global activities. We adhere to a disciplined process that is based on historical data and hypothesis testing. We believe in Expected Returns. We make a proactive effort to bring you more than just investment performance. 

As your Wealth Teams Coach, our job is to help you achieve your objectives by adjusting to personal issues and life changes and keeping in mind the long-term perspective of your financial goals. Whether we are helping you discuss a real estate opportunity, consider a new business venture, establish a college fund, or just build wealth, we are here for you.