Our joy comes from seeing you achieve your goals.

Serving others is what drives our company. Our Wealth Coaches are personable and dedicated to your financial and personal success. Our desire to help you achieve your “Heart’s desire” is at the core of our mission statement. Our highest priority is to be faithful to our duty to serve you well.

Financial Planning

Financial Planning is an ongoing process to help you make sensible decisions about money that can help you achieve your goals in life.

Financial planning might involve putting appropriate wills in place to protect your family, or providing a safety net should you prematurely fall ill or die, or evaluating the best way to budget your money. However, to truly achieve your goals, the process involves thinking about all of these things and combining them in a cohesive plan. At WTA, we take the time to listen to you to help you determine your goals. We work alongside you to create your financial plan, and then we monitor and update your plan annually to help ensure you stay on track.

Investment Guidance

Using markets to build wealth instead of selecting stocks

Using 5% increments, with 18 funds, which comprise our blended portfolio, there are 1818 combinations (39 trillion billion). Using the efficient frontier, we can determine, based on historic data, which portfolio provides the optimum outcome based on risk. There is no guarantee this combination will be provide the optimum outcome in the future, however, it is a good place to start. But there is only ONE portfolio that is right for you. We know how to find it and keep it allocated there as you patiently allow the markets to grow. In the short run, markets go up and markets go down. Based on data derived from The Center for Research of Security Prices, the general market consisting of over 7800 domestic stocks has gone up and down over the last 90 years. However, their statistical conclusion using regression analysis shows that markets generally go up over long periods of time. Through our investment method, we will strive to find the right allocation for you and keep you there through retirement.

Tax Planning

Tax friction can impede your financial success

Our team of tax specialists will work with your tax advisor to reduce taxes by deferral or reduction. Taxes are complex, but the solutions can be simple. Most people don’t realize taxes are optional. Judge Learned Hand said everyone has the right to arrange their affairs in such a way that they can avoid paying taxes. Admittedly, this is getting harder and harder to do, but there still strategies that can help you.

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is an art and a science.

Like the Rubik’s Cube, there are many complexities and component parts. Your age, time horizon, inflation, rate of return on assets, expected income, tolerance for risk, health care in old age; these are just a few of them. So, factoring them into a long-term plan can be quite daunting. Fortunately, Wealth Teams Alliance has a lot of experience and can help you attain the peace of mind that comes with planning for a constant and consistent income flow. We would love the opportunity to help you map out a strategy that fits your situation.

Legacy Planning

Estate planning is an ongoing process

Estate planning should be started as soon as one has any measurable asset base. As life progresses and goals shift, the estate plan should adjust with new goals. Lack of adequate estate planning can cause undue financial burdens to loved ones (estate taxes can run higher than 40%). Even if the taxable estate is not large, it is important to at least have a will in place.

Fee-Only Pricing

Our fees are based solely on the assets we manage for you.

Our fees are billed quarterly and you can pay them directly or have them deducted from your account. The fees cover all of our planning services, except tax preparation. Please review our ADV Part II.

$0 – $100,000 – Robo-Advisor services. Fees quoted based on services

$100,000 – $1,000,000 – 1.00%

$1,000,000 – $2,500,000 – .75%

Over $2.500,000 – .50%

Accounts in excess of $50,000,000, the fees are determined based on services required.

All fees are tiered based on total assets under management.

Our Wealth Coaches are proud of the Wealth Teams Alliance. We are dedicated to continuing education and are active servants in the industry. We believe that our success was borne through the efforts of the many who shared their ideas and expertise. We want to repay those pathfinders by being mentors to the next generation of advisors.